Contact us
Text us
Texting is the best method to get in touch. You can send a message to 07850878756. This is a quick and effective way to contact the driving school. We welcome any enquiries, queries, and questions, no matter how big or small they are. You’ll have a reply at the earliest possible opportunity.
www.facebook/Albion driving Centre
Please take a moment to visit our page. A follow or like is always appreciated. There are lots of crazy video clips that have been recorded during actual driving lessons. Some clips are amusing and others are completely unbelievable!
We use Messenger on Facebook. although this may not always get the quickest response, so it’s advisable to use one of the other methods first.
The Mobile Phone
You are welcome to call if you need to speak to the instructor directly. Remember, however, we may not be able to answer, especially if a lesson is taking place. If the call can’t be taken, and the number is not withheld, we will return the call at the earliest opportunity.
Some driving schools will use the handsfree facility to answer the phone during a lesson. We have a strict policy not to use the phone whilst driving or supervising a learner driver. It’s unprofessional, unsafe and illegal, so please bear with us. The DVSA argue that even using the phone handsfree, the instructor could be breaking the law.