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The Students Workstation

Learning to drive is complex so we’ve developed the Students Workstation.  The A5 sized bundle is a unique and innovative file crammed full with information and advice. Click on the Students Work Station link below to find out more.

Theory Training

The theory test is difficult so we’ve developed a unique system of 13 different questionnaires for you to try. Papers 1 to 8 are 36 questions long but papers 9 to 13 are 52 questions long. If you have trouble because of road signs, then papers 11 and 12 are the ones for you. Test paper 13 is the ultimate in difficulty level. A theory Guru will ace it to prove they’re ready for the real theory test. All 13 papers have been individually custom made to help you. 

You can complete any papers in your own time, as homework, and we’ll mark them on a future lesson. Constructive explanation can really help with your progress but our test papers are not mandatory, so don’t worry. 

Theory apps are great for practice on the move or at home and the link below takes you to a free one!

This is an all-inclusive theory, hazard and Highway Code app. It’s  recommended by almost all pupils and is priced at £4.99, available at-

The Hazard Perception Test

The apps provide infinite CGI video clips giving you hours of practice and helpful feedback. In car hazard tutorials can also be arranged and carried out during a lesson, as and when required.   

The show me and tell me questions

Here you’ll find the most up to date questions and answers for the show me and tell me element of the driving test. Click on the show me, tell me link below to reveal all of the questions and answers. First read the question and then simply click on it to reveal the solution. Only one item from the show me, and one item from the tell me list will be used on the driving test.

THEORY TEST (From September 2020) – view

